SHR Hair Removal

SHR stands for Super Hair Reduction and is the latest innovation in Permanent Hair Reduction. When compared to traditional IPL and laser hair reduction treatments, SHR is faster, easier and virtually pain free. SHR is suitable for most skin types and hair colours.


IPL  Hair Removal

For blonde, red and light brown hair we are able to combine IPL with E-light technology to deliver bulk heating to the bulb of the hair. Although this treatment is effective on lighter hair types the hair must have some pigment to be effective and will require more treatments than the standard IPL/SHR treatments.


What does the treatment involve?

The SHR or IPL handpiece will be placed on the skin in the treatment area, warm pulses of heat will be felt on the skins surface. Treatment takes between 5 and 15minutes per area.


How many treatments will I need?

This depends on your individual hair type. Most clients require 6-10 sessions to achieve optimum results though hair will reduce and become finer with each treatment. Treatments to the face should be spaced 2-4 weeks apart while body treatments should be spaced 4 weeks apart. Facial hair will take 7-10 days to fall out while body hair may take 2-3 weeks. Individual results will depend on your skin type, hair coarseness and natural growth cycle.



Chin $20

Lip $20

Full Face $50

Back & Shoulders $120

Bikini $40

Brazilian $65

Underarms $30

Half Arm $50

Full Arm $65

Neck $50

Half Legs $120

Full Legs $ 150

Chest  $150


Who can have this treatment?

IPL/SHR/RF Hair Removal is not suitable those with hormonal hair growth caused by an under-lying hormonal issue, during pregnancy (fine while breastfeeding), those who have been on Roaccutane in the last 6 months, have open wounds, infection in the area to be treated. 

Pre and Post Care Information

The skin must be free from spray tan or tanning creams.

Shave the area 12 – 24 hours prior to your appointment. 



What is IPL for Pigmentation?

IPL (Intense Pulse Light) for pigmentation correction effectively fades and removes age spots, sun spots and discolouration to greatly improve overall skin tone, texture and radiance. IPL Skin Pigmentation treatments work by transmitting heat from the IPL light through to the pigmented skin areas. The IPL technology is attracted to dark pigmentation, effectively drawing the discolouration to the surface of the skin, allowing the dermis to begin the healing process of correcting the blemishes.


What does the treatment involve?

Before we can start your package of IPL for Pigmentation we must first perform a test patch on an area of your skin to help our technicians to determine the best settings for your individual treatment. An IPL patch test is performed in clinic in the days leading up to your first IPL pigmentation treatment. We perform a small number of test shots in the treatment area with slightly different machine settings in order to see how your pigmentation responds. This is to ensure that you get the best results possible on the day of treatment and more importantly to ensure your safety on the day. Generally only one test patch appointment is required however some clients will require additional test patching if their pigmentation does not respond easily. Once we have determined the best settings for your skin type we will get you back into clinic for your first IPL Pigmentation treatment.
During IPL Pigmentation treatment a cool gel is applied to the skin and you will be given dark glasses to protect your eyes. A hand piece is placed on your skin and pulses of light are emitted to treat the skins imperfections. The firing of the IPL feels like the flicking of an elastic band, and does not require local anaesthetic cream or analgesics beforehand. Treatments can take as little as 5-10 minutes, or up to 45minutes, depending on the area treated. Immediately after treatment the area reddens and may feel like sunburn for 2-12 hours and some swelling of the spots will be seen. If large areas or many spots are being treated, significant swelling can occur.

By day two, the pigment starts to darken, and over the next few days crusts over and then literally washes off. This will take 5 – 7 days on the face and 10 – 20 days on the body.


How many treatments will I need?

This will vary depending on the severity of your pigmentation. Some clients may require a single treatment, while others will require ongoing treatments to achieve the best possible results. Your clinician will discuss the expected number of treatments, along with expected results during your consultation.

As a guide, we generally recommend 2-4 treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart.